Monday, September 10, 2012

Sculpture Project # One


  • Grinding Teeth
  • Chaotic world surrounding the reasons behind being angry
  • Fragments of pieces of different objects

  • Pointy
  • Resembles the scene in the lion king
  • Hard to get to the safe side of the sculpture

  • Tall 
  • Honorable 
  • Pointed 
  • Shaved clean

  • Textured
  • Brittle 
  • Fragel
  • Slivers 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Section One 
I.               Waking up as a monster
a.     Gregor is introduced to the story and we compile that he is the main character.
1.     The narrator gives a thorough Description of Gregors body as well as what surrounded him in his room.
2.     We learn that Gregor is a traveling salesmen.
3.     As Gregor’s body is being described he begins to daydream about how he is so tired of waking up early and how worn out his body is.
4.     He starts to reminisce about the future and how he just wants to pay his debuts to his parents and make it big.
b.    Gregor gets a knock at the door
1.     In this part of the story you are introduced to Gregors mom, dad and sister.
2.     The story paints a picture of the family at the eating table having breakfast, which is especially important to Gregors father.
3.     Gregors mom knocks on his door to ask him if he realizes that he is running late for work.
4.     His father knocks at his door getting on him for not being ready yet then continues to eat his breakfast.
5.     His sister asks if everything’s all right and if he is okay.
c.     Attempting to get out of bed again.
1.     The narrator begins to describe in detail Gregors quest to get out of bed once more.
2.     He mentions that his goal is to make it out of bed before 7.
d.     Manager shows up at Gregor’s house.
1.     His mom answers the door, and his parents start talking to Gregors manager almost in a manner as if trying to distract him.
2.     They talk to Gregor through the door again asking him if his almost ready telling him that his manager is here.
e.     Gregor and manager (talking thorough the door)
1.     Gregor decides to talk to his manager through the door (this is a big moment in the book) when Gregor opens his mouth to start talking everyone on the other side of the door starts to freak out.
2.     Ciaos breaks out because when Gregor talks to his manager, words don’t come out, instead evil bug like noises protrude from his mouth.
3.     They try and get in his room but can’t so the discuss getting a locksmith and a doctor.
4.     Gregor reveals himself to everyone in his bug form.

Section Two
II.              Gregor discovers himself as a bug for the first time.
a.     Someone crept into his room. We find it to be his sister, after she slams his door and reopens it again to feed him.
1.     She starts to give him food. One meal in the morning and one at night. (food described in detail “discussing”)
2.     Flashback to when Gregor made a lot of money. He had wished to send his sister to school to play the violin, which she was so good at playing.
3.     His sister starts to become the telephoto almost between the two worlds of her parents and Gregor seeing as though no one else can to visit him, yet they wanted details as to how he was doing.
4.     Gregor began to keep himself preoccupied by hanging off the ceilings in the room but he left behind a goo substance that was noticed by his sister.
5.     His sister can up with the idea to move the furniture that was what she though to be as in the way so Gregor could have more room to play. She came up with this conclusion when she saw the goo residence.
b.    Mom helps out with Gregor for the first time.
1.     Gregors mom comes in to help the sister move furniture around for Gregor.
2.     They tried to do it quickly so that Gregors father wouldn’t notice when he got home from work.
3.     In a side notion, Gregor starts to ponder the moving of his furniture and decides that he does not like the furniture being rearranged.  
4.     Gregor talks about the memories that the furniture held (student, teaching job)
5.     Gregor gets out of the room because he is upset about the furniture.
6.     The father shows up and gets peeved (Throws apples at Gregor to make him get back into his room)
7.     The women yell “Spare him his life”
Section Three
III.            Wound (Apple in flesh)
a.     Apple gets stuck in Gregors flesh and stays there for the rest of the book.
1.     Opens this scene talking about how his mom was doing a fashion job and his sister took up a sales job. Gregors dad was still proud as ever wearing his servant clothes.
2.     Gregor begins to daydream again about helping his family and wishes that he could.
3.     His mom decided that his room needed to be cleaned, so they hired a cleaning lady to come in every day to clean.
4.     Cleaning lady surprisingly isn’t afraid of Gregor
b.    Gregors room starts to become a storage room.
1.     Slowly his family begins to ignore him more and more.
2.     Gregor spent time just watching his family, almost as if they were moving on with their lives and he was just there or perhaps not there at all as his family saw it.
c.     One night his parents had guest over and they were all watching a performance of his sister play the violin.
1.     Gregor snuck a peek at his sister playing and it sparked something in him that he hadn’t felt in a long time.
2.     The music made Gregor happy.
3.     Gregors father catches him watching them and freaks out because his doesn’t’ want the guest to see.
d.     Gregors sister trys to convince her dad that Gregor is not Gregor and that they should just move on because it would be better to just live with good memories then with the way their living now.
1.     Gregor dies.
2.     Cleaning lady finds him/ end of march
3.     Gregors parents get out of work by writing letters because they said they were “grieving”
4.     The parents decided they needed to clear out old stuff, one being the cleaning lady, so they fired her.
5.     Gregors sister was older now so her parents decided it was time she get a man.

1. Melancholy- a deep, pensive, and long-lasting sadness.
2. Minion- a follower or underling of a powerful person, esp. a servile or unimportant one.
3. Dissipate- Disperse or scatter.
4. Excessively- more than is necessary, normal, or desirable; immoderate
5. Attentive- Paying close attention to something.
6. Arbitrary- based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system
7. Immanent- existing or operating within; inherent.
8. Conspicuous- standing out so as to be clearly visible.
9. Muster- assemble
10. Indisposition- slightly unwilling.
11. Incidentally- to add a remark unconnected to the current subject.
12.premonition- a strong feeling that something is about to happen.
13. Exertion- physical or mental effort.
14. Bewildered- cause (someone) to become perplexed and confused.
15. Swoon- faint from extreme emotion.
16. Feelers- an animal organ such as an antenna or palp that is used for testing things by touch or for searching for food.
17. Ascertain- find (something) out for certain; make sure of.
18. Scrupulous- (of a person or process) diligent, thorough, and extremely attentive to details.
19. Implications- the conclusion that can be drawn from something, although it is not explicitly stated.
20. Frugality- sparing or economical with regard to money or food.